Use this page to manage your email address within our database.
You need an ID which acts as both a username and password to access this system, and for security reasons the ID can only be provided by email. Enter the email address we have in our database and we will email you a URL you can use to access this system and allow you to control your email address and what emails you receive. The URL will have your ID encoded in to it, so you can bookmark it and not be troubled by this again in the future.
If you can no longer receive email using the email address in our database, use this form to change it. To protect against fraud, changes are hand approved by a moderator after several days to allow answering the old address to cancel the request.
If you never want to receive email from us again in the future, and you never want to look up your license details again in the future, use this form to delete your email address entirely from our database. To protect against fraud, changes are hand approved by a moderator after several days to allow answering the old address to cancel the request.