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The Keyboard Maestro menu contains menu items relating to the Keyboard Maestro application as a whole.

The About Keyboard Maestro command in the Keyboard Maestro menu displays the About Keyboard Maestro window.

The Purchase Keyboard Maestro command in the Keyboard Maestro menu lets you purchase Keyboard Maestro online.

The Register Keyboard Maestro command in the Keyboard Maestro menu displays the serial number entry window allowing you to enter your username (email address) and serial number. Make sure you enter them exactly as sent to you.

The Check For Update command in the Keyboard Maestro menu checks to see if there are any updates to Keyboard Maestro and offers to download and install them if there are.

The Preferences command in the Keyboard Maestro menu displays the Preferences window.

The Services command in the Keyboard Maestro menu is used to perform Mac OS X Services which are shared functions available across multiple applications. You can learn more about Mac OS X Services from your Mac OS X documentation, and you can install new services which will work with Keyboard Maestro. Keyboard Maestro includes full support for Services, so relevant Services on your system are available in Keyboard Maestro.

The Hide Keyboard Maestro command in the Keyboard Maestro menu will hide the Keyboard Maestro application and all its windows. Click on Keyboard Maestro's Dock icon or choose Show All to show Keyboard Maestro again.

The Hide Others command in the Keyboard Maestro menu will hide all other applications. Choose Show All to show them again.

The Show All command in the Keyboard Maestro menu will show all hidden applications.

The Quit Keyboard Maestro command in the Keyboard Maestro menu will Quit Keyboard Maestro. the Keyboard Maestro Engine will remain running and all enabled Keyboard Maestro features will continue to operate (unless you have specifically quit the Keyboard Maestro Engine).

The File menu is where you import or export Macros or launch or quit the Keyboard Maestro Engine.

The New Macro Group command in the File menu creates and starts editing a new macro group.

The New Macro command in the File menu creates and starts editing a new macro.

The Close command in the File menu closes the front window.

The Export Macros command in the File menu exports the selected macros to a file that you can import on another Mac. This is one way to transfered macros from one Mac to another.

The Export as Macro Library command in the File menu exports the selected macros to a library file that you can share with others. If you create any interesting macros please consider sending them to us and we will make them available on our web site or in a future version of Keyboard Maestro.

See also the Macro Library section.

The Import Macros command in the File menu lets you select a saved macro file and imports the macros it contains.

The Import to Macro Library command in the File menu lets you import a shared macro library file into your macro library. Macros in your library are not active, but can be added into one or more macro groups to become active.

See also the Macro Library section.

The Revert Macros command in the File menu lets you revert to a previous version of your macros. If you find you have really messed up your macros, you can revert to how they were when you first launched Keyboard Maestro, or how they were yesterday or even several days ago.

The Launch Engine command in the File menu lets you start the Keyboard Maestro Engine manually. The Keyboard Maestro Engine performs all the Macro, Application Switcher, Window Switcher and Clipboard Switcher functions even while Keyboard Maestro itself is not running. It is launched automatically as a Startup Item when you login (assuming you have not disabled that in the Preferences window) or any time you launch Keyboard Maestro. If it is not running for any reason you can start it manually with this command. This menu item only exists while the Keyboard Maestro Engine is not running.

The Quit Engine command in the File menu lets you quit the Keyboard Maestro Engine. The Keyboard Maestro Engine performs all the Macro, Application Switcher, Window Switcher and Clipboard Switcher functions even while Keyboard Maestro itself is not running. It is launched automatically as a Startup Item when you login (assuming you have enabled that in the Preferences window). If you quit the Keyboard Maestro Engine these functions will no longer operate. This menu item only exists while the Keyboard Maestro Engine is running.

The Edit menu contains menu items relating to text and selections.

The Undo command in the Edit menu undoes the previous command.

The Redo command in the Edit menu redoes the previous undone command.

The Cut command in the Edit menu copies the current selection to the system clipboard and then deletes the selection.

The Copy command in the Edit menu copies the current selection to the system clipboard.

The Copy UID command in the Edit menu copies the current selected macro or macro group’s UID.

The Paste command in the Edit menu pastes the current system clipboard into the current selection.

The Delete command in the Edit menu deletes the current selection.

The Select All command in the Edit menu selects all text or items.

The Duplicate command in the Edit menu duplicates the selected items.

The View menu contains menu items relating to display and actions.

The Sort by Macro Name command in the View menu sorts the macros in the main window by name.

The Sort by Macro Trigger command in the View menu sorts the macros in the main window by trigger. This is useful to see what hot keys are available, or to group all Typed String triggers together.

The Edit command in the View menu toggles Edit mode on and off. Edit mode allows you to modify macros and macro groups. You may prefer to leave it on permanently, or you may like to turn it off when you are not making changes to give a more concise and visually appealing view of the macros and macro groups.

The Toggle Enable command in the View menu toggles the enable of the selected items.

The Show Actions command in the View menu shows the action list. It is available while editing a macro. Double click or drag actions from the action list to add them to your macro. This menu toggles to Hide Actions when the action list is already showing.

The Set Action Time Out command in the View menu sets the time out time and behaviour for the selected actions. You can configure how long an action is allowed to execute for before it is aborted, and whether the macro should continue or be canceled if the action times out.

The Try command in the View menu tries the selected actions. It is available while editing a macro.

The Record command in the View menu toggles recording on and off. It is available while editing a macro.

The Window menu contains menu items relating to windows.

The Minimize command in the Window menu minimizes the front window.

The Zoom command in the Window menu zooms the front window.

The Keyboard Maestro Editor command in the Window menu brings the main Keyboard Maestro macro editing window to the front.

The Macro Library command in the Window menu shows or hides the macro library.

See also the Macro Library section.

The Bring All to Front command in the Window menu brings all Keyboard Maestro windows to the front.

The Help menu contains menu items relating to Help.

The Keyboard Maestro Documentation command in the Help menu displays the Keyboard Maestro documentation.

The Keyboard Maestro Quick Start command in the Help menu displays the Keyboard Maestro quick start help, which quickly gets you up to speed in using Keyboard Maestro.

The Welcome to Keyboard Maestro command in the Help menu displays the Welcome message, giving you a quick overview of what support resources are available for helping you get started using Keyboard Maestro.

The Tutorial command in the Help menu starts the in-application tutorial. The tutorial will walk you through creating a simple macro. By varying the actions slightly, you can create a variety of macros that are triggered by hot keys and that open various documents.

The Videos command in the Help menu displays the videos that can help you learn to use Keyboard Maestro.

The Logs command in the Help menu displays the Keyboard Maestro Logs folder.

The Third Party Licenses command in the Help menu displays the licenses folder containing the third party licenses for code used in Keyboard Maestro.

The Online Documentation command in the Help menu takes you to the Keyboard Maestro web site and displays the documentation.

The Keyboard Maestro Web Site command in the Help menu takes you to the Keyboard Maestro web site.

The Stairways Software Web Site command in the Help menu takes you to the Stairways Software web site.

The Service and Support command in the Help menu displays the service and support details.

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