Keyboard Maestro 7 IconKeyboard Maestro 7

Conduct your Mac Like a Pro!


See the wiki Troubleshooting page for how to resolve any problems we have anticipated.

How do I get more help?

For more information about a specific Keyboard Maestro feature consult the Keyboard Maestro Documentation, post a question to the Keyboard Maestro Forum, visit the Keyboard Maestro web site or the Keyboard Maestro Wiki or contact us.

We always respond to email, however email is no longer a guaranteed medium and spam filters can delete your message to us or our message to you. Messages sent using the feedback form will always get to us, emails sent to us will pretty much always get to us, but if you do not receive a response within one business day check your spam filters to see if they have trapped our reply. If you use the feedback form and want a reply, make sure you enter your email address!

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Feedback Form

Please provide any feedback you may have

Email Address:

Your email address is appreciated but is not required and will not be saved.
It will be used only for responding to or clarifying this feedback.


Old Documentation